The obvious question anyone would ask (including myself) is: Do you do psychic readings during the massage too?
A little explanation is needed here. All healing work, and healers (and it makes no difference if it is a surgeon, a massage therapist or your grandmother giving you chicken soup while you convalesce), are attended by energetic entities that are on the same vibratory level as the practitioner or the patient.
We are all, and always, surrounded by angels, ancestors, spirit guides, and others who are personally connected to us in some way. You are never alone in your healing journey even if you can't see the invisible hands reaching out to help or support you. You don't have to believe in them because it will never stop them from believing in you.
In my massage room, healing energies are always welcomed to be there with us. On occasion, awareness of a spiritual or energetic entity may make its presence in the room known to me but that is typically the end of the contact. There is no dialogue between myself and the invisible audience. I do not channel or act as a mediumistic transmission during the massage. I only know that they are there. Once in a while, they will prompt me to mention something to you but this is an exception, not the rule.
When I am doing massage work, the critical thinking part of my brain is needed for analyzing and assessing what is happening with your physical body is working in full operational mode. The part of the brain that allows a person to get deeply quiet and focused to let their intuitive skills come to the surface does not work at the same time. The best example of how this works is much like your experience of trying to meditate. When you try to get mentally quiet and experience inner silence, your critical thinking brain instead goes crazy and feeds you thoughts like a radio that you struggle to turn down the volume on. Meanwhile the intuitive (meditative) side of your brain patiently keeps trying to come to surface but gets pushed back down by the noisy critical mind and then it becomes a constant conflict or competition that only one can win. In order for me to give full reign to my intuitive side, I have to disconnect from the physical world and give it space and silence. I can be 100% present for one or the other but I cannot be 50% present for both.
If you have ever received a massage from me, you will know that often times I am able to point out what kind of stress or causes of tension you are experiencing in life without you having to tell me (Silent scream anyone? Over-controlling everything around you because you can't trust folks to be competent? Type A personality is your Achilles Heel? Holding everything that's bothering you in your belly and messing up your digestion? ...etc) I can do this because it is not a special psychic skill.
What I am seeing about your body and its tension patterns is a matter of recognizing your body's language and listening.
Your body never lies, and it speaking to you with a language of its own if you are willing to pay attention and listen.
Have a question? Send me a message here. Text message or email instead of voicemail is best if you can't reach me by phone. I am looking forward to hearing from you!
This is strictly therapeutic massage. NO EXCEPTIONS. Thank you for understanding.